A microinhomogeneous medium, consisting of randomly distributed cavities or inclusions in a homogeneous;
elastic matrix, can be represented as a dispersive homogeneous medium with effective material constants (moduli,;
bulk wave speeds, and absorptions) . For wavelengths long compared to the size of the scatterers, Kuster and;
Toksôz have developed a method (not including rescattering) which obtains these effective material properties;
by comparing exact and effective monopole, dipole and quadrupole amplitudes . We extend this approach to the;
case where the wavelength is comparable to the size of the scatterers (assumed spherical) ; in this case, particle;
resonances are taken into account and lead to widened resonances in the effective material parameters . The;
cases of bubbly liquids, of perforated solids, and of solids with solid inclusions (particulate composites) are;
treated in this fashion . Measurements by Kinra and Anand verify our results. In addition, many previous results;
for the effective moduli of composites, obtained in the static (i . e., low-frequency) limit, are recovered as particular;
cases of our approach.